
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025


Abdolali   Sepidkar

General surgery Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences,


E-mail: a_ali-sepid@yahoo.com


I.   Personal Data:

Born in 1337 Jahrom, Fars, Iran

Father’s name: Mohamed Ismail



1. M.D Shiraz University of medical sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran, graduated in 1367

2. 1367-1372 Specialty in general surgery Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran



1)1372-1380 faculty member of Fasa university of medical sciences, Fasa, Fars, Iran

2)1380-1394 faculty member of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

3)1372-1394 Educational full-time faculty member



1- Chief of clinical education, Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Fars, Iran for 3 years

2- 1374-1394 director of Department of Surgery (74 to 80 Fasa- 81 to 94 Jahrom)

3- 1382-1384 member of Strategic Planning Committee, Jahrom University of medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

4- Member of analysis committee of medical errors.

5- Member of operating room committee, casualties and accidents

6- Member of Medical system board for 6 years


V. Supervisor of the THESES

1- Assesment the level of pilonidal sinus outbreak in the last 5 years in Fasa


3- Carcinoma of the gallbladder m cholecystectomy, april1992

4- Frequency of IL/o-1082 G/A promoter polymorphisms and Breast cancer risk in Iranian woman, August 2006.


VI. Internal examiner of the thesis

1- A new index in sonography in 1387

2- Comparison of sperm parameters before and after the varicocelectomy surgery by analysis sperm machine in patients referred to Peymaniyeh hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran from February 85 to February 86, 1387

3- Aassess and compare the vision results of the two methods of Cataract surgery: phacoemulsification and small incision surgery without stitches on patients treated during one year in Motahari hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran in 1388

4- Frequency of prophylactic antibiotics use, before appendectomy and coco rectal surgery in patients referred to Motahari hospital, Jahrom, Iran in 1379, 13780 and …Abolfazl Hashempoor- in 1374

5- Prevalence of (G-A) I40-1082 polymorphism in women with breast cancer and comparing with the control group

6- Frequency of prophylactic antibiotics use, before appendectomy and coco rectal surgery in patients referred to Motahari hospital, Jahrom, Iran in 1379,13780 and …

7- Determine of prevalence of septal deviation in society in 1383

8- The pneumatic lithotripsy of ureteral stones in 1384

9- Assessment the prevalence of skin cancers in patients referring special dermatology clinics during 1385 to 1380

10- The evaluation before elective surgery in patients

11- Assessment of emergency laparotomy at two hospitals. Motahari and Peymaniyeh

12- Assessment of new index capability in sonography estimate the size of the exist stones in the middle ureter third of patients with renal colic referred to Motahari hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran in 1385

13- Assessment the frequency of inter abdominal bleeding causes with blunt trauma, the way of treatment and mortality due of that in Peymaniyeh hospital Jahrom, Fars, Iran in 10 past years in 1393


VI. Technical Papers

1- EBV sero epidemiology in married and unmarried women and men in Iran, Reports of Biochemistry & molecular Biology .2(2), 12 April 2014.

2-The Use of Laryngeal Mask Airway in Pilonidal Cyst Excision after Muscle Relaxant (Atracurium) Injection in Prone Position, BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA, 2014, scopus.

3- Prevalance of gallbladder carcinoma in patients with cholecystectomy, Pulse magazine, in 1374.

4- Fine needle aspiration findings in granular cell myoblastoma of the tongue, Acta cytol 2000.JU-Agu 44(4)696-8.

5- Hemodrmamic variation following indication and tracheal intubation .M.E.J. ANESTH 19(3).2007.

6- Assessment of differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from human synovium tissue to neural-like cells in vitro

7- Journal of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences vole 11, no2, summer 2013(j,jahrom univ.med sci 2013,11(2),34-49.

8- Mucormycosis after scorpicn sting: case Report Mycoses 2013, 56,589-591.


VI. Papers in Conference Proceedings:

1-The internal Congress of internal evaluation of Surgery Faculty of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences,

First one, Dr. Abdolali Spidkar, S. Najafipour, M. Amini

2- Internal evaluation of Surgery Faculty of jahrom university of Medical Sciences

3-The 9th International Congress of oncology Geographic Medicine in 1375

4- Internal evaluation of surgical group Jahrom Medical School, Amee 2008.


VII. Research Projects:

1- Assessment of Educational Quality of major clinical groups in prospect of external assessments in 1390

2- Assessment the Effect of FFP and dead platelets on the growth of human mesenchyme stem cells (MSCs) in 1392


VIII. Internal examiner of the research projects:

1- Assessment the effect of sour orange Consumption in patients with BPH in reduction of Clinical symptoms in patients referred to special Motahari clinic, Jahrom, Fars, Iran in 1384


IX. Miscellaneous Positions:

1- Participation in research method workshop during 1374/6/20 till 1374/6/24 in Shiraz, Iran

2- Participation in workshop of method of article publication in foreign journals during 1384/3/30 till 1384/4/1 in Jahrom, Fars, Iran

3- Participation in workshop of new ideas in research in 1384/4/20

4- Participation in educational workshop of Spss Statistical software, Jahrom, Fars, Iran in 1383

5- Participation in Continuing Education period (speech objection)

6- Weekly scientific lectures (speech objection) in 1374

7- Common disease in general medicine (speech objection) in 1374

8- Internal medicine and surgery disease in gestation in 1376

9- Common surgery disease (speech objection) in 1376

10- Internal disease (speech objection) in 1376

11- Pediatric Emergencies (speech objection) in 1376

12- Systemic approach to management of medicine fault in 1376

13- Planning workshop in 1376

14- Supplementary workshop of society attitude medicine teaching in 1374

15- Workshop of Clinical teaching methods in 1380

16- Educational workshop of teaching methods (workshop 2) in 1376

17- Advanced Spss in 1385

18- Bylaw of promotion of faculty members in 1385

19- Research method 2 in 1386

20- Morning Report in 1385

21- Medicine errors in 1386

22- Acquaintance of Techniques of IELTS and MCHE in 1386

23- Power point in 1386

24- Counselor Professors in 1386

25- Prevalence of Tetanus in wounds and traumas in 1385

26- Research methods and essay writing in 1386

27- Internal evaluation in 1383

28- Essay writing and C.V in 1381

29- Participation in self teaching program of New Medical Website in 1382

30- Spss Statistical software in 1384

31- New ideas in research in 1383

32- Written surgery program (speech objection) in 1384

33- Need Measurement in 1385

34- Educational evaluation in 1385

35- Method of article publication in foreign journals in 1384

36- Qualitative research method in 1387

37- Essay writing in 1387

38- Educational workshop of Strategic planning

1382/3/1- 1392/1/29

39- Educational workshop of acquaintance of merger Curriculum in 1389

40- Educational workshop of unexpected disasters in 1387

41- Preliminary research methodology workshop in 1387/9/7

42- Workshop of General and principles of electronic learning in 1389

43- Educational workshop of questionnaires and student evaluation in 1389

44- Educational workshop of professional ethics with an emphasis on medical ethics