
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025


Mahsa Torabi Jahromi

Internal Medicine Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, IRAN

E-mail : mahsatorabijahromi1432@gmail.com


I. Personal Data:

Father's name: Iraj

Born shahrivar28th, 1358 Jahrom, Fars, Iran



1) 1377-1384    M.D, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran

2) 1386-1391     Specialty in internal medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran

3) 1392-1394     Super Specialty in Nephrology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran



1. 1387-1391     Training internal courses to medical students, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran

2 .1391-1392    Faculty member of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences

 3. 1392-1394    Training nephrology courses to Medical students Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran



1- Thesis for the degree of M.D.

The effect of season and Ramadan fasting on the onset of acute cholecystitis.2008.

2- Thesis for the degree of specialty in Internal Medicine:

Evaluation of Foxp3 mRNA and IL2 mRNA in peripheral blood of patients with chronic hemodialysis and its comparison to normal population, 2013.

3- Thesis for the degree of super specialty in nephrology:

Evaluation of Foxp3 mRNA and IL35 mRNA in kidney transplant patients with excellent long term graft function and its comparison to patients with early rejection. 2015.


V. Technical Papers:

1- The effect of season and Ramadan fasting on the onset of acute cholecystitis. Hoseini SV, Torabijahromi M, Mosallaei M, Sabet B, Pourahmad S. Saudi Med J. 2006 Apr;27(4):503-6.


VI. Research projects:

1- Evaluation of Foxp3 mRNA and IL2 mRNA in peripheral blood of patients with chronic hemodialysis as compare to normal population. 2010-2012. Nephrology Research center, Shiraz University of medical science.