
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025


Jila Rahmanian

Department of Internal Medicine, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences,


E-mail : dr.j.rahmanian@gmail.com


I. Personal Data:

Born in 1360 Jahrom, Fars, Iran

Father’s name: Enayat ollah



1-M.D, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

2- Specialty in Internal Medicine, JondiShapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran



1- Training 371 hours

2- 136 hours of apprenticeship training

3- Journal of 6 hours to 120 hours of morning

4- Cpc 2 hours


IV. Supervisor of the thesis

1-The identification of beta-lactamase genes in E. coli isolated from diabetic foot ulcers by method of Multiplex PCR in Jahrom, Fars, Iran in1393

2-Assessment the Effects of kaempferol on telomerase gene expression in cells lines of cervical carcinoma in 1393

3-Assessment the effect of kaempferol on inhibition of cellular division and induction of apoptosis in cells of hely carcinoma of uterus cervix in 1394

4-Assessment the Rs352140 and rs187084 polymorphism of TLR9 gene 4- and risk of developing MS disease in Fars, Iran in 1394

5. Assessment the adequacy of dialysis in patients of hemodialysis department of Motahari hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran in 1394


V. Internal examiner of the thesis

1. Compartment of levels of copper in patients with brucellosis and healthy people in 1393

2. Assessment the diagnostic value of rapid tests of urinary katalaza in the early diagnosis of urinary tract infection in infants in 1393

3. Assessment The effect of aqueous extract of apple on the fluctuation of liver enzymes ALT, AST and ALK in female rats receiving Samgliphozyte (glyphosate) in 1393

4. Assessment the frequency of H.pylori different genotypes in patients admitted to the Honari clinic, Jahrom, Fars, Iran in 1391 to 1392 in 1393

5. Assessment the Effect of different amount of the Apygalo katchyn -3 gallate on procedure of Growth inhibition of apoptoz in breast cancer cell lines 1394T47D

6. Assessment The prevalence of hypertension and providing the reference percentiles in teenagers of jahrom,fars,iran in 1394


VI. Internal examiner of the research projects

1-Assessment the effect of seed extract of (silybummarianum) Aon Atherosclerosis, lipidio OX-LDL profile in white race male rats of New Zealand in 1393

2-Assessment the effect of silimarine on spermatogenesis in rats in 1393

3-comparement of serum compactness of Neopterin in Patients with acute myocardial infarction with or without elevation of ST segment in 1393

4-comparement of serum compactness of Neopterin in Patients with stable and unstable angina in 1393

5-Assessment the relation of arginine and vasopressin’s promoter gene’s variants and Pre-eclampsia in 1394

6. Assessment the effect of fasting on plasma levels of some Adipokines (omentin 1, Vaspin), oxidative stress factors (malondialdehyde and glutathione) and hs-CRP inflammatory marker in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver in 1394

7-Assessment the relationship between sexual function, sexual satisfaction of pregnant women and their spouses and domestic violence during pregnancy and after childbirth in 1394