
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025


Ali Reza Yousefi

Urology Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

E-mail: a.ryousefi1381@gmail.com


I. Personal Data:

Born in 1348   Safashahr, Fars, Iran

Father's name: Allahmorad



1-   M.D, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

Graduated in 1374

2- Specialty in Urology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran, Graduated in 1379


1-1384-now   Training urology courses to medical students



1- Executive director of the EDC, 1385

2-  1385-1389 Chairman of Peymaniyeh Hospital


V. Technical Papers:

1-Evaluation of Local side Effects of captopril Gel in the Rabbit Model, Journal of End urology, 2009.


3-Natural immunity against Haemophilus influenza type B in splenectomised Beta-thalassemia children, Pakistan journal of biological sciences, 2014, PubMed.

4- No Association between Antiphosphatidic Acid Antibodies and Myocardial Infarction, KASMERA JOURNAL FORMAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER, 2015, ISI.

5-Human T-Lymph tropic Virus Type I/II Virus among Blood Donors: A Cross-Sectional Study, South of Iran, Jokull journal, 2015, ISI.

6-Evaluation of Aflatoxin M1 Contamination in Consuming Milk, Jokull journal, 2015, ISI.

7- Anti-Phosphatidylcholines and Anti-phosphatidylethanolamine Antibodies in ST elevated versus non-ST elevated Acute Myocardial Infarction, Journal of Novel Applied Sciences, 2015.

8- Anti-Phosphatidylcholines and Anti-phosphatidylethanolamine Antibodies in ST elevated versus non-ST elevated Acute Myocardial Infarction, Journal of Novel Applied Sciences,

9- Kisspeptin level in women with GDM, Jokull journal, 2015 ISI

10-Hepatic Histopathologic Side Effect of Atorvastatin in Rats, Jokull journal, 2015, ISI.

11- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: bis dis-tilled water as safe as saline for lrrigation, Urology journal,

2014, PubMed.

12- Prevalence of Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Among High Risk Patients:A Cross-Sectional Study in Jahrom, Southern, Iran, 2015 apr 13, kasmera 43 (1).

13- MICRONUTRIENT STATUS OF COPPER IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS, 2015, International Journal of Analytical, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences.

14- Levels of aflatoxin M1 in different types of milk collected in Jahrom, Iran, winter-spring 2013, 2015 American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences.

15- Pure ultrasonography‑guided radiation‑free percutaneous nephrolithotomy:report of 357 cases

16- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in solitary kidneys: experience

With 412 cases from Southern Iran

17- Comparison of the Therapeutic Effects of Rectal Diclofenac Sodium and Intramuscular Pethidine Injection in the Treatment of Acute Renal Colic: ARandomized Clinical Trail

18- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in diabetic patient: Experience with 460 cases, Southern Iran

19- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL): 10 years’ experience with 7200 cases, report of results and complications in Southern Iran


VI. Papers in Conference Proceedings:

1-Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: is transurethral resection syndrome a problem Tehran 2006

2- Evaluation of students learning in 3 methods problem based learning, discussion and oral presentation into teaching methods, innovative opinions congress, and 1387.

3- Bilateral Renal Stone: One-Session Bilateral or Two- Session Pcnl, America, 2006

4- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (pcnl): general or regional anesthesia? America 2006 

5- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: comparison of saline and pure water as irrigation fluid. America, 2006

6- Internal evaluation of surgical group, Jahrom Medical School, Country of Czech, 2008.

7- Serum adiponecetin level in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, Sweden1389

8- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Patients with Staghorn Stone and Incidental Purulent Fluid Suspecious to Infection, 2006, Iran Urology Congress

10- Bilateral renal stone: one-session bilateral or two-session PCNL? The ninth Iranian Congress of urology 2006  

11- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL): results and complications in a referal center, South of Iran, The ninth Iranian Congress of urology 2006.

12- Simultaneous endourologic procedures the ninth Iranian Congress of urology, 2006.

13- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: comparison of saline and pure water as irrigation fluid the ninth Iranian Congress of urology 2006.

14- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL): general or regional anesthesia? The ninth Iranian Congress of urology 2006


VII. Research Projects:

1. Comparison of percutaneous renal lithotripsy with local anesthesia and general anesthesia 1384

2. The effect of manitol on accelerating the disposal of rock fragments and pain during ESWL 1391

3. Assessment of the composition of renal stone in patients referring  medical centers, 1391


VIII. Supervisor of the Theses:

1. The effect of mannitol on accelerating the disposal of rock fragments and pain during ESWL 1391

2. The composition of renal stone in patients referring to medical centers, 1391


XI. Internal examiner of the Theses:

1. PCNL, 1385

2. The new index in ultrasonography to estimate the size of the stones in the middle ureter third of ureter in patients with renal colic, 1385 1386

3. Evaluation of PCNL in children under 12 years referred to urology clinics in 1388

4. Prevalence of percutaneous suprapubic cystolitholapaxy in treatment of large bladder stones  and its complications 1389

5. Prevalence of   percutaneous resection of large simple and symptomatic renal and its complications, 1389