
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025


Rahim Raoufi

Infectious Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences

E-mail : Sarahim1315@yahoo.com


I. Personal Data:

Born in 12/01/1349   Jahrom, Fars, Iran



1.1369-1376    M.D, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

Shiraz, Fars, Iran

2.1382-1386   Specialty in infectious disease, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran



1. 1386-now Teaching pathogenesis of infectious disease to medical students

2.1388-now     Teaching medical ethics to medical students 

3-1386-now      Practical rounds for training of medical students

4. 1386-now    holding practical training to medical students   in clinics

5. Arrangement of   medical Olympiad questions in 1391

6. Training of faculty members how to arrange and design   medical Olympiad questions

8. Teaching correct filling of medical documents for medical students



1. 1392-now    President of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences

2. 1386-1389     Research and Education vice chancellor, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences

3. 1390-now    Member of editorial board of the Nursing Journal of education and ethic, 1390

4. 1390-now   the representative of the Ministry of Health in the Supervisory Board of Islamic Organizations of Medical Sciences

5. 1387-now      Member   of Executive Board of employment absorption  

6.1388-1389      Member of evaluation committee of journals publishing in JUMS

7. Member of relief Deputy and health care facilities in Noruz, Jahrom, Fars, IRAN

8. 1389-1391     Member of research council of medical school of JUMS  

9 .1393-1395     Member   of   inventions and innovation committee  

10. 1388-1391      Member of research council of the university

11. 1388-1391   Chairman of selection Committee of the University

12. 1387-now     Member of prescription evaluation committee (RUD)

13. 1392-1394    The Chairman of the specific affairs committee  

14. 1392-now    the chairman of regional ethics committee

15. 1392-now      Member of Medical Ethics council

16 -1391-1393    Member of patent office of the university

17. 1393-1394   Member of the Council of Medical Ethics Research Center

18. 1391-1394    Full-time member of zoonotic diseases research center  

19. 1390 -1391    Member of Research Council and Student Research Committee,

20. Member of ranking committee of the university in  1392

21. 1391-1392    Member of Zoonotic research Disease Center

22. Member of the Islamic Association Supervisory of the University in 1387

23. Member of expert committee of Clinical Innovations 1394

24. Chief of Infection Control Committee in Motahari Hospital, 1391

25. Chief of Infection Control Committee in Peymaniyeh Hospital, 1392

26.  Chief of Crisis Committee in 1388

27. Member of publication and Translation Committee of JUMS, 1390

28. Member of administration and rational use of drugs in 1390

29. Executive manager of Ethics in infertility treatment congress in 1388

30. 1386-now     Member of diagnostic laboratories commission (20)

31. Member of The first Instance Committee in 1388

32. Member of professors and students Selection committee in 1387

33. Member of development Council of University in 1386

34. Member of Medical Ethics Research council Center in 1392 (for three years)

35. Members of praying committee in 1387 (for 2 years)

36. Committee of Safeguarding of high values ​​in 1389


V. Technical Papers:

1. Assessment of causes of classic FUO in Kermanshah Journal: University of Medical Sciences - Spring 85 number one -

2. Assessment of genotypes of types of hepatitis C in patients referred to the Clinic University of Medical Sciences, Sina Hospital, Kermanshah, from 1384 until 1385 Journal of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Association specialists in infectious diseases and tropical Issue 39, pages 19 to 23, winter 1386

3. Acute Hepatitis E Due to Underdo Meat Consumption، Rev. Sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz،2014، ISI

4. validity of serologic tests in patients of different age and sex groups from 1381 to 1385 in Kermanshah Province , Journal - Islamic Republic of Iran University of Medical Sciences , Year XI - Issue 3 - pp 231-234 - Autumn 1392

5- Procalcitonin as a marker for early diagnosis of sepsis, American Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2014, scopus.

6. Reported cases ofCCHF: outbreak in the southern Gulf of XIV - No. 5 - Shahrivar 1391 page 96-100, Babol University of Medical Sciences

7. Seroepidemiology of hepatitis E virus in western iran, May-jun2012, Braz j infect dis 16(3):302-303.

8. Characteristics of effective mentor in viewpoints of nursing students Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences.

9. Nosocomial transmission ofCCHF in a health care worker, Fars province, Iran, Iranian journal of clinical infectious disease. 2011

10. Features of an effective clinical instructor in nursing students Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Volume IX - Special Education 1390, Journal of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences.

11. Evaluation of Anti-Tetanus Immunity in Hemodialysis Patients. American Journal of Immunology 5 (4): 108-112, 2009

12. Comparison of the standard three-drug regimen in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori with subsequent one in 1390, the city arranged. Journal of nurses and physicians in combat / V / second / winter 93

13. Furazolidone-Based Quadruple Therapy for Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Peptic Ulcer DiseaseArch Clin Infect Dis. 2014 June; 9(3): e18549. Published online 2014 June 25.

14. Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes in South of Iran. Jokull Journal. Vol 65, No. 3; Mar 2015.

15. A comparative study 12 steps in Hganh temperated group Anonymous adicted (NA) with the principles and teachings of Islam. Journal of nurses and physicians in combat / Number Six / Third Year / Spring 94

16. Copper and Zinc Serum Level in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 2015, 15 (4): 217.220.

17. The role of podcasting in education. http://mediaj.sums.ac.ir. The fourth number. Spring 90.


VI. Books:

1. Education and Clinical Skills Assessment 1391


VII. Papers in Conference Proceedings     

1.    Hepatitis E virus in south of Iran: A seroepidmiologic study in blood donors The fifth annual International Congress of hepatitis - Tehran ,1392

2. Resistance Level to Van comycin in Staphylococci aurous in Motahari and Peymaniyeh Hospitals in Jahrom, Southern Iran Seventh Congress of Clinical Microbiology Iran – Shiraz, 1392

3. Determining Antibiotic Resistance of pseudornonasIsolated frorn Motahari and Peymaniyeh hospitals in Jahrom, Seventh Congress of Clinical Microbiology Iran – Shiraz, 1392

4.    Epidemiology of bovina brucellosis in Jahrom, 2008-2012 Fifth National Conference brucellosis - Tehran, 1392.

5.  Assessment of HCV genotype in Kermanshah: poster

6. Presentation, Venue: Tehran 85 years.

7. The major clinical evaluation of educational quality from the perspective of external assessment Thirteenth National Congress on Medical Education –Sari, 1391.

8. The status of web-based education in the education  curriculum in prospective of medical students in Jahrom and Fasa university of medical  sciences, Twelfth National Conference on Medical Education Mashhad 10 May 90 .

9. The effect of pad cast  technology on learning and teaching methods and  increase in students’  learning ,Twelfth National Conference on Medical Education Mashhad 10 May 90 .

10. Comparison of learning and e-learning with traditional teaching methods, Twelfth National Conference on Medical Education Mashhad 10 May 90.

11. Assessment of anxiety in infertile women referring to Shiraz Infertility centers, second congress of ethics and modern methods of infertility treatment, December 1390.

12. Prevention of occupational exposure caused by sharp objects through safety equipment in hospital (the National Conference on Prevention and Control of Hospital Infections Tehran in 1389).

13. Paperless technologies (revolution of pad cast in education) poster presentations Congress on Medical Education, Shiraz 1388.

14. The perception of the self- esteem  and its effect on depression in infertile  women referring to shiraz- Congress of ethics in modern methods of infertility, IVF Center ,1388

15. The relationship between smoking and fertility in males and females (poster presentation) - Congress of ethics in modern treat methods of infertility in 88

16. Comparison of the efficacy of three methods of lecture, group discussion and problem-based learning in education, Poster presentation Venue: Medical Education Congress 2009

17. Internal evaluation of educational quality, Singapore, 2009

18. Comparison of podcast effectiveness with lecture method on students’ learning in Jahrom, Britain, September2010

19. Impact of lecturing with and without podcasting on learning and class attendance of the students. February 2009. Singapore.

20. Comparison of effectiveness of three teaching methods lecturing / group discussion and problem base learning In 6th APMEC / national university of / Singapore 2009 /poster presentation

21. Internal evaluation of major wards in Jums in 7th APMEC/ nation university Singapore / 2010/poster presentation


VIII.Research projects:

1. Prevalence of antimicrobial resistance against H.pylori genotypes   in patients referred to the clinic in 1391-1392

2. Evaluation of bacteriology and antimicrobial resistance of diabetic foot ulcers in patients admitted to Peymaniyeh hospital in 1391-1392

3. Assessment of the proportionality of medical ethics questionnaire with survey done medical ethics, 1392

4. Evaluation of the effect of  antioxidant properties of green tea extract on liver enzymes concentration  and histological changes in the liver tissues  of rats poisoned with the insecticide malathion in 1392

5. Isolation and identification of Brucella species of human and animal by Real time multiplex PCR in Jahrom 1392

6. Effect of podcasts on students’ learning, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 1387

7. Determination of immunity to Haemophilus influenzae in children less than five years, in 1387

8. Serological prevalence of hepatitis E in blood transfused patients with thalassemia in 1387

9. Evaluation of the causes of tendency to drug addiction in the addicted in  1387

10. Identification of carriers of Staphylococcus aurous in Motahari in 1387 years

11. Assessment of immunity to tetanus vaccine in hemodialysis patients in 1387

12. Prevalence of hepatitis C infection among drug abusers, Jahrom 1388

13. The prevalence of hepatitis B infection in drug abusers JAHROM 1388

14. The prevalence of HIV infection in i drug abusers JAHROM 1388

15. Evaluation of serum copper levels in hemodialysis patients in 1388

16. The perception of the self-esteem and its effect on anxiety and depression in infertile women referring to Shiraz IVF Center in 1388

17. Assessment of relationship between use of the Internet and digital resources of the National Library usage and of research activities of faculty members, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, 1388

18. Evaluation of serum levels of zinc and copper in patients with brucellosis in 1388

19. Diagnostic value of serum procalcitonin in   diagnosis of sepsis in patients admitted in the hospital in 1389 years

20. The status of web-based education in the education curriculum in prospective of medical students and faculty members of Jahrom University of medical sciences, 1389

21. Comparison of 2 regimens in eradication of H Pylori infection in 1389

22. Prevalence of hepatitis B genotypes in patients with Hpatbt B in 1389

23. Assessment of immunity to tetanus and diphtheria in patients with thalassemia in 1390

24. Assessment of major clinical education quality from the perspective of external assessment in 1390

25.  Features of talented professor in viewpoints of Medical Students, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, 1389-1390

26. Comparison of two methods of learning (lecture with sending SMS and lecture without sending SMS) via mobile in 1390

27. Comparison of efficacy of sequential treatment regimen with standard treatment regimens in treatment of h.Pylori in 1390

28. Seroepidemiological study of leptospirosis in the city farmers in 1391, 1390

29. Assessment of depression and self-esteem in hemodialysis patients in Motahari hospital, 1390

30. Assessment of appropriate use of antibiotics in hospitals in 1389-1390

31. Prevalence of pertussis in patients in winter 1390

32. Assessment of antibiotic resistance process in hospitals in Jahrom city, 1386- 1391

33. Comparison of zinc and copper serum level   in patients with brucellosis and healthy people in 1391

34. Prevalence of antimicrobial resistance against H.pylori genotypes in patients in 1391-1392

35. Assessment of bacteriology and antimicrobial resistance of diabetic foot ulcers in patients admitted to Peymaniyeh hospital in 1391-1392

36. Evaluation of antioxidant properties of green tea extract  on of liver enzymes concentrations and histological changes in the liver tissues  of rats poisoned with the insecticide malathion in 1392

37. Isolation and identification of Brucella species commonly isolated from human and animal by Real time multiplex PCR technique in Jahrom 1392

38. Prevalence of the YMDD, YIDD, YVDD mutation resistance to lamivudine in HBV patients in 1393

39.  Efficacy of a regimen containing levofloxacin in treatment of HP infection in patients referred to the clinic in 1393-1394

40. Promotion of continuing medical education program in nursing in 1393

41. The prevalence of mutations in Pre Core / core area in patients with hepatitis B referred to health centers in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 1394

42. The effect of vitamin D on gene expression of T bet in mononuclear cells in peripheral blood of  patients with asthma in 1393

43. ​​Effects of kamfrol on telomerase gene expression in cell lines of cervical carcinoma, 1393

44. The effect of tamoxifen on apoptosis of human liver cancer Hepg2, 1394

45. The effect on apoptosis of human liver cancer Category Hepg2, 1394

46. Differential diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica, E. dispar and E. Mushkufski by Nested-PCR method in stool samples of patients suspicious to amoebiasis in Jahrom, 1394

47. Designing and implementation of a system for recording and controlling practical projects in 1394

48. Effect of adding intrathecal magnesium sulfate to Marcaine   on controlling of shivering during and spinal anesthesia in hernioraphies in 1394

49. Effects of aqueous extract of the roots on the concentration of liver enzymes in rats treated with cadmium chloride 1394

50. The Antioxidant Effects of aqueous orchid against paraquat toxicity in rat liver in 1394

51.  Assessment of teaching method quality by cipp method

52. Assessment of VZV immunity in personnel in 1387 years

53. Assessment of PPD skin test in health personnel in 1387 in Jahrom

54. The changing of IL-27, IL-23 cytokines profiles in patients with hepatitis C in 1391

55. Comparison of the efficacy of influenza vaccines in single-dose and two -dose conditions in patients with beta thalassemia in 1391

56.  Comparison of cytokine IL-21 level as a differentiation factor in patients with chronic virus hepatitis C infection in patients and HCV clearance, 1391

57. Prevalence of Ethanol Amine phosphate antibodies in patients with myocardial infarction in 1391

58. Seroepidemiology of hepatitis A in patients with chronic liver disease with hepatitis B, C, 1390

59. Evaluation of serum levels of zinc and copper in patients with brucellosis, JAHROM

60. Efficacy of treatment of personnel as of carriers Staphylococcus aurous in Jahrom

61. Comparison of three methods of training (role, (case presentation, round) in clinical education

62. Antibiotic resistance process in hospitals in Jahrom 1386-1390

63. Seroepidemiological study of leptospirosis in the city in 1390

64. Identification of carriers of Staphylococcus aureus in hospitals in 1387 years

65. Serological prevalence of hepatitis E in patients with thalassemia in JAHROM

66. Comparison of the standard regimen in treatment of   h.pylori and subsequent regimes in 1390


IX. Supervisor of the Theses:

1. Zinc and copper level  in patients with brucellosis in  1389

2. Evaluation  of diagnostic value of  serum procalcitonin  in diagnosis of sepsis in 1389

3. Comparison of the efficacy of  two different in  treatment regimens  in H .Pylori infection in 1389 Jahrom

4. The evaluation of immunity to tetanus vaccine in hemodialysis patients

5. Comparison of   serum levels of copper in patients with brucellosis and healthy people 1391

6. Comparison of the prevalence of antibodies against phosphatidylcholine ethanol amine in patients with myocardial infarction admitted to hospital, 1391

7. Antibiotic resistance process in hospitals in Jahrom 1389-1391

8. Assessment of frequency of genotypes and antibiotic resistance against of H.pylori genotypes in patients in 1391-1392

9. Comparison of serum zinc level in patients with brucellosis and healthy people 1392

10. Assessment of the incidence of pertussis in 1390 -1392

11. Determining the frequency of mutations YIDD, YVDD, YMDD and lamivudine resistance in HBV patients in 1393

12. Efficacy of a regimen containing levofloxacin in treatment of HP infection in 1393-1394

13. The effect of vitamin D on gene expression T bet in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with asthma in 1393

14. Assessment of mutations in the Pre Core / Core area in patients with hepatitis B Sciences in 1394

15. Differential diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica, E. dispar and E. Mushkufski by Nested-PCR method in stool samples in patients suspicious to amoebiasis Jahrom, 1394

16. Assessment of adding to adding intrathecal magnesium sulfate to Marcaine in controlling shivering during hernioraphy in 1394

17. Assessment of bacteriology and antimicrobial resistance of diabetic foot ulcers in patients admitted to Peymaniyeh hospital in 1394

18. Assessment of immunity to tetanus vaccine in hemodialysis patients

19 .Assessment of    appropriate use of antibiotics in hospitals

20. Assessment of the trends to antibiotic resistance in hospitals in 1386-1390

21. Prevalence of hepatitis B genotypes in patients with hepatitis in 1389

23. Assessment of immunity to Haemophilus influenzae in children less than five years old, Jahrom

24. Comparison of the standard treatment of h.pylori regimen with subsequent regimens in 1390


X. Examiner of the theses:

1. The effect of sumatriptan drug on prevention of headache after spinal anesthesia in patients 20 to 50 years in Motahari and Peymaniyeh hospitals in 1391

2. The prevalence of hepatitis B, C, HIV in hemophiliacs in Dastqeb and shariati hospitals in Shiraz and Fasa 88- 1391

3. The relationship between diabetic peripheral neuropathy with duration of diabetes and quality of controlling  blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes in 1391

4. The prevalence of inflammatory diarrhea in hospitalized children with diarrhea in Motahari and Peymanieh hospitals in 1391

5. Assessment of features of   talented professor in Viewpoints of students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences 1389-1390

6. Comparison of immunity to diphtheria in patients with thalassemia in 1390

7. Comparison of immunity to tetanus in patients with thalassemia and healthy people, 1390

9. Seroepidemiology of leptospirosis in 1390

10. Assessment of immunity to diphtheria in hemodialysis patients referred in 1390

11. The effect of honey in reducing common cold attacks in 1390

12. Efficacy of initial probing of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction in children less than 5 years in Motahari hospital1383-1390

13. Immunogenicity of Hepatitis B vaccine study in medical students vaccinated three times Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 1390

14. Assessment of the knowledge and attitudes of clinical professor of family physicians and medical practitioners about informing bad news in 1389

15. Serological prevalence of hepatitis E in patients with thalassemia in 1389

16. Evaluation of relationship between helicobacter pylori infection & open angle glaucoma among adult referred to Jahrom clinic in 1385- 1387

17. Comparison of Carbohydrate sulfotransferase (CHST6) genotype in patients with macular corneal dystrophy with next   and last generation in Simakan in 1390

18. Assessment of medical ethics teachers about teaching method of this lesson, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in 1391

19. Comparison of the effect of local injection of bupivacaine and ketamine on reducing pain after tonsillectomy in 1392

20. Assessment of the   status of education of the Jahrom University of Medical Sciences based on average score in 1389-1392

21. Assessment of patients view point toward spiritual health in surgical and internal wards of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 1390- 1392

22. Comparison of   the effect of pethidine and ondansetron on prevention of shivering after spinal anesthesia 1393

23. Assessment of education status of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences Based on DREEM Model, 1390

24. Comparison of the incidence of infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus between married and single people based on serological EBV, 1390

25. Assessment of the incidence of EBV, 1389

26. Evaluation of the efficacy of the initial probing of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction in children less than 5 years old, 1389

27. Comparison of (Carbohydrate sulfotransferase (CHST6) genotype in patients with macular corneal dystrophy among the next and the last   generations in Simakan arranged in 1390

28. Assessment of the effect of sumatriptan  on prevention of headache after spinal anesthesia in patients 20 to 50 years in Peymaniyeh  and Motahari hospitals ,1389

29. Prevalence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in patients with thalassemia in 1387

30. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with central serous chorioretinopathy 1387

31. Comparison of the effect of local injection of bupivacaine and ketamine on reducing pain after tonsillectomy operation in 1391

32. Comparison of pethidine and ondansetron in reducing spinal chills and vomiting 1391


XI. Examiner of the research projects:

1. Comparison of the effect of local injection of bupivacaine and ketamine on reducing pain after tonsillectomy operation in 1391

2. Comparison of the cytokine IL-21, as a differentiation factor, in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and HCV clearance in patients with HCV 1391

3. Evaluation of the patient’s   right in viewpoints of medical students 1391

4. Comparison of the distribution of TTV virus in healthy volunteers and patients with HCV in Jahrom 1391

5. Assessment of genotype of TTV in healthy volunteers and HCV patients in the city of Jahrom in 1391

6. " Comparative study of the incidence of infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus between married and single people based on serological EBV ,1390

7. The effect of estrogen on the production of regulatory IL-17, IL-4-IL-21, TGF-B in blood mononuclear cell culture in the presence of asthma, 1390

9. Assessment of the education status in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in based on DREEM model, 1390

10. Evaluation of the of Social Medicine Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 1390

11. Prevalence and determination sarcocyst species isolated from goats slaughtered city by PCR-RFLP1390

12. The prevalence of Hidden hepatitis B infection (Occult Hepatitis B) in patients with immunodeficiency virus in 1390

13. Comparison the size of the Mantoux test in 2 methods (human measurement vs. intelligent software) in 1389

14. Evaluation of immunity against Haemophilus influenza in post splenectomy patients with thalassemia in 1387

15.  Efficacy of Wright and 2ME in patients with high-risk job for brucellosis disease compared with those with no risky jobs in 1387

16. Assessment of PPD in the addicted in 1387

17. Prevalence of PPD test in patients with HIV in 1387

18. Burden of traffic accidents in the city in 1385

19. Comparison of the effect of local injection of bupivacaine and ketamine on reducing pain after tonsillectomy operation 1391

20. Comparison of pethidine and ondansetron in reducing spinal shivering and vomiting in 1391

21. Association of IL-28 gene polymorphisms in patients with HCV with mRNA levels in Jahrom, 1391

22. The effect of infection with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) on viral load of HCV (hepatitis C) infection in patients with HIV-HCV1392

XII. Examiner of the books:

1. Determination   of immunity to Haemophilus influenzae in children under 5 years old, 1389

2. Assessment of demographic characteristic of patients with brucellosis to the health center in 1389


XIII. Miscellaneous Positions:

1. Search workshop, 1392

2. Avian flu seminar in 1387

3. Crimean-Congo fever (CCHF) Seminar, 1387

Lecturer in workshops and various training seminars such as:

-Workshop for arranging Olympiad questions by  teachers,

- Filling medical documents of patients

- Clinical care

- Resistance to antibiotics

- controlling infection

- Familiarity with amphotericin B-

- Relationship of health care team with patients

  - controlling hemorrhagic fever Crimean Congo infection

- Penicillin test

- Medical professionalism

4. Participation in Knowledge Initiative Conference, 1387

5. participation National KTE Workshop 1386

6. Avian flu seminar (lecture) 2 day 1386

7. Seminar of Crimean-Congo fever (lecture) 1 day 1387

8. Knowledge Initiative Conference, 1387

10. 3rd  Knowledge Initiative Conference for faculty members in Mashhad, 1387

11. 9TH National Conference on Medical Education in 1386 in Yazd

12. IEQM workshop (Iranian model of quality management training) in Tehran 87

13. Seminar   of treatment of severe malaria in Sanandaj in 1390

14. Workshop on e-learning instructional design Shiraz, 1389 years

15. Workshop of questionnaire designing and evaluation of students in 1389

16. Meeting of legal terminology in Infertility in Shiraz in 1389

17. Professional ethics workshops in 1390 years

18. Sampling method in 1387 years

19. Workshop on statistical inference in 87 years

20. Workshop, continuous quality improvement process in 86 years

22. Workshop on household management in 1387

23. Workshops, life skills training in 86 years

24. Physician communication skills workshop in 86 years

25. Workshop teaching methods in 1386

26. Workshop on qualitative research method in 87