
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025



I. Personal Data:

Mohammad Sadeq Sani Jahromi

Anesthesiology Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

Phone: 071-54331520

 E-mail: sadegh_532@yahoo.com



1375-1382    M.D shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran

1385-1389     Specialty in anesthesiology, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran

- Specialized Board in anesthesiology


1389-now Faculty member of JUMS, Department of Anesthesiology



1-1389-1393   Chairman of Peymaniyeh Hospital, JUMS, Iran

2-1393-now   Education vice chancellor of JUMS, Iran

3- 1393- now   Faculty member of JUMS

4-Member of research council, JUMS

4-Chairman of education council of JUMS

5-Vice chancellor of development council

6-Vice chancellor of employment absorption council

7- Chairman of promotion committee 


V. Technical Papers:

1-Effect of deferoxamine on the survival of mice with induced peritonitis, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences Journal ISC Pro - number one - Spring 91

2- Comparison of acute normovolemic hemodilution with allogenic blood transfusion in patients who underwent femoral fracture surgery, summer 2015 archives of anesthesiology and critical care:1(3):84-87

3-Unexplained pain due to the retained surgical item in the abdominal cavity: arare presentation,risks and pitfalls of epidural injections during management of lumbar disc herniation: few comments, korean j pain.vol28.no 3. 217-218, 2005-9159.

4-a comparison of the therapeutic effect of tramadol and meperidine for treatment of shivering after spinal anesthesia in elective caesarean section, archives of anesthesiology and critical care (AACC):1(2):50-54 spring 2015.

5. The effect of paracetamol on usage of narcotic drugs during and after orthopedic surgery of the upper limbs, pars Medical Sciences 2008-7993

6. Risks and Pitfalls of Epidural Injections during Management of Lumbar Disc Herniation: Few CommenLetter to the Editor (letter to editor) in Korean J Pain 2015 July; Vol. 28, No. titl

7. Comparison of the effects of low doses of bupivacaine and sufentanil with normal dose of bupivacaine in spinal anesthesia in lower limbs orthopedics surgaries

8. Airway management of the patients anesthetized in the prone position: Laryngeal mask airway or endotracheal intubation? Letters to the Editor (letter to editor) in the Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology as

9. The effect of paracetamol on usage of narcotic drugs during and after orthopedic surgery of the upper limbs

10 .The Comparison of Acute NormovolemicHemodilution with Allogenic Blood Transfusion in Patients who Underwent Femoral Fracture Surgery, articles in journals Archives of Anesthesia and Critical Care (AACC)

11. Unexplained pain due to the retained surgical item in the abdominal cavity: A case-report

 Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia, Vol. 12 Special issue (2015)


VI. Papers in Conference Proceedings:     

1-Observance of sterility and sterility guidelines for operating room personnel, doctors and students, Mashhad, 1392

2. Comparison of the effects of midazolam and clonidine in reducing anxiety before and during cesarean section with spinal anesthesia method, Congress of Student Research Committee Sanandaj,1394

3 .Assessment of difficulty in airway management after 5 years (without any disease) present Student Research Committee May 94 in Sanandaj

4- The effect of IV Propacetamol on usage of opioid during orthopedic surgery of upper extremity and recovery time, student research committees Sanandaj, 1394

5- The effect of ketamine administration during general anesthesia on reducing of post operation shivering, 1393,

Poster presentation fifteenth of the annual congress of medical students in September 93 anymore

6. The effect of IV Propacetamol on usage of opioid during orthopedic surgery of upper extremity and recovery time, poster presentation at the Seventh Congress of student research committee, Ahvaz in 93



1-Tele dermatology 2015

Tele-dermatology publication Teledermatology)). August 1394. Amazon Publishing Authors: Mohammad Sani, A. Ayoubi


VIII.Research projects:

1. The effect of IV Propacetamol on usage of opioid during orthopedic surgery of upper extremity and recovery time, 1391

2. Effect of intravenous ketamine on postoperative shivering in 1392

3. Evaluation of concerning sterilization and sterilization guidelines by personnels, doctors and students in 1392

4. The effect of adding magnesium to Bupivicaine in spinal anesthesia in cesarean patients admitted to Motahari hospital in 1393

5. Effect of oral Pregabalin in reducing anxiety during and after Caesarean section in Motahari hospital in 1393

6. Comparison of midazolam and clonidine in reducing anxiety before and during cesarean section with spinal anesthesia, 1393

 7-Evaluation of the impact of distraction on venipuncture pain in children 6-3 years old in 1393

8- Evaluation of complications after extubation and associated factors among adults in hospitals affiliated to Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 1393

9. Comparison of the effect of oral Pregabalin and melatonin on controlling pain during ESWL 1394

10. Effect of paracetamol and magnesium sulphate on postoperative pain after orthopedic surgery of femur and tibia, 1394

11. Comparison of the effects of melatonin and clonidine on reducing anxiety before and during elective cesarean section with spinal anesthesia, 1394

12. The review  of the medical literature in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and risk factors of infertility , ethics and modern methods of infertility treatment ,1394


IX. Supervisor of the Theses:

1. The effect of IV Propacetamol on usage of opioid during orthopedic surgery of upper extremity and recovery time, 1391

2. Effect of intravenous ketamine on postoperative shivering in 1392

3. Effect of paracetamol and magnesium sulphate on postoperative pain after orthopedic surgery of femur and tibia, 1394

9. Comparison of the effect of oral Pregabalin and melatonin on controlling pain during ESWL 1394

5. Effect of oral Pregabalin in reducing anxiety during and after Caesarean section in Motahari hospital in 1393

6. Comparison of the effects of melatonin and clonidine on reducing anxiety before and during elective cesarean section with spinal anesthesia, 1394

Comparison of midazolam and clonidine in reducing anxiety before and during cesarean section with spinal anesthesia, 1393

7-Evaluation of the impact of distraction on pain of intravenous cannulation in children 6-3 years old in 1393

8- Evaluation of complications after extubation and associated factors among adults in hospitals affiliated to Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 1393


X.Examiner of the theses:

 1. Comparison of analgesic effect of intravenous ketorolac with methadone after spinal surgery at the peymanieh hospital, 1394

 2. Comparison of N2O and remifentanil on hemodynamic status of female patients under general anesthesia in the hospital arranged in 1393

 3. Comparison of ondansetron and dexamethasone on reducing the incidence of nausea and vomiting after elective caesarean section under spinal anesthesia before clamping  cord, 1393


XI. Examiner of the theses:

1. comparison of the effects of intravenous ephedrine,  intra muscular ephedrine and  subcutaneous ephedrine on  preventing  hypotension in patients with spinal anesthesia in cesarean section in 1394

2. Comparison of the effects of four drugs, remifentanil, alfentanil, sufentanil and fentanyl on the incidence of epigastric pain after inserting laryngeal mask anesthesia during cataract surgery in 1394

3. Effect of adding intrathecal midazolam on the duration of analgesia in cesarean patients admitted to Motahari hospital in 1394

4. Comparison of effect of   lidocaine and Marcaine on incidence of shivering due to spinal anesthesia during hernioraphy operations in 1394

5. Assessment of adding magnesium sulfate to Marcaine on controlling shivering during and after surgeries with spinal anesthesia in hernioraphy operations 1394

6. Comparison of the effects of lidocaine and pethidine on complications of extubation in patients undergoing general anesthesia, 1394

 7. Comparison of hemodynamic   viabilities by atropine and ephedrine before prone position in patients undergoing PCNL  with spinal anesthesia, 1394

 8. The effect of melatonin as a pre- medication on anxiety in children undergoing tonsillectomy 1394

 9. Analgesic Effects of adding intrathecal midazolam on duration    of pain in patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries in 1393


XII. Miscellaneous Positions:

1. Reviewer of Journal of Jahrom university of Medical Sciences (Persian)

2. Reviewer of Archives of Anesthesia and Critical Care (AACC) journal