
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025



Entrance Gate of Motahari Hospital


eginning to working in 1973, Motahari hospital was the first health facility of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences. Since the time of its inauguration, this medical center has provided patients with advanced medical services and care as a response to the commitment of JUMS to human values and dignity. With the expansion of the university and building more infirmaries, the clinical family of JUMS including managers, doctors, nurses and other hospital staff have ever kept continuous improvement in the quality, services, and responsiveness to patients’ demands in order to guarantee the satisfaction of in-patient and out-patient customers.

Hospitals of JUMS, built mainly in large plots, are located in different areas of the city to provide the local inhabitants with easy and fast access. These health centers are equipped with a range of maximum 207 beds of which some 75% is always in use.

Hospitals of JUMS work in three areas of treatment, education and research, and health care. The vast treatment coverage of these hospitals is achieved through their clinics and emergency departments. These sections offer active circadian services to people by their devoted internists and surgeons. 

Besides being a base for medical treatment and care, hospitals of JUMS are often well-known cores for medical education and research. Students of all pertinent medical fields are trained in these centers in a variety of courses including general, specialty and super specialty. In the field of medicine, the task includes Externship, Internship and Residency, which are carried out under the supervision of medical staff of various wards.

Average Number of Beds in Each Clinical Department:

1. NICU                                            31 beds

2. PNIC                                              6 beds

3. Obstetrics (1)                                33 beds

4. Obstetrics (2)                                24 beds

5. CCU                                               6 beds

6. Post CCU                                       6 beds

7. Eye Surgery                                  17 beds

8. Endoscopy & Colonoscopy


Diagnostic Facilities, Para-Clinical and Specialized Surgeries:

·      MRI

·      Radiology

·      Color Doppler & Sonography

·      Mammography

·      Echocardiography & Exercise test

·      Spirometry

·      Electrocardiography

·      Electroencephalography

·      Endoscopy & Colonoscopy            

·      BMD(Bone Mineral Density)

·      Pathology and Cytology laboratory

·      Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, EMG & NCV, Manipulation)