
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025


Jahrom University of Medical Sciences (JUMS)

 jahrom university

  JUMS' Main Campus and Building     


Our medical school started working with 40 students of medicine under the name, Jahrom Faculty of Medical Sciences as a branch campus affiliated with Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in 1977. Students of this faculty received their certificates from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences upon graduation. In 1985, the buildings of this faculty were reconstructed in a new campus of 5000 square meter space. The expansion of faculty space permitted the administrators to increase the number of medical students to 90 persons. Meanwhile, 20 students of nursing were also admitted still under the supervision of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. In 1994, Jahrom Faculty of Medical Sciences became financially autonomous and new disciplines such as laboratory sciences, anaesthesiology and other graduate and professional degrees that contribute to the academic environment of medical school were added to the main body of this institution. Soon after, the faculty was officially authorized to issue graduation certificates and transcripts. In the consequent years of 1994, the dimensions of development were quite remarkable; the new building of medical school with 15000 square meter space was constructed on a land of 27 hectares; new specialized hospitals and clinics were built, and more disciplines were added.

jahrom university 


Boys’ Hostel at the Campus 

 jahrom university 

A View of the New Hospital under Construction

In 2007, the volume of infrastructure development and the expansion of teaching programs along with recruiting qualified professors resulted in the promotion of this medical faculty to the status of university.

jahrom university 

 A Scheduled Meeting of the Teaching Staff with the Chancellor

Since 2009, the name, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences was adapted for this medical institution.


JUMS has ever been owned by the government of Iran, and therefore is considered as a state university. This quality makes JUMS a “non-benefit” organization which attempts to train citizens of Iran who remain in the country to practice medicine after graduation. However, seats are available for foreign students too. Education in this university is egalitarian, i.e. all students of medicine, males and females, Iranian and international are trained equally and they spend 7 years of duration according to the curriculum meant for medical students.

jahrom university 

Students of Medicine at a Typical Class of JUMS

Further, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences is offering various graduate and professional degrees such as nursing, laboratory sciences, public health, anaesthesiology and medical emergencies in UG and PG levels that contribute to the academic environment of the medical school.

jahrom university 

JUMS’ Students at a Meeting

Iranian applicants who desire to join the School of Medicine are selected from high schools graduates (those who have successfully completed 12 standards) through the entrance exams which are held and conducted by Country’s Evaluation of Education Organization affiliated with the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

jahrom university 

Students at the Examination Hall


Selected students after the completion of basic courses spend their clinical rotation in a variety of hospitals and clinics of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in Jahrom. These medical facilities include Motahari Hospital, Peymaniyeh Hospital, Honari Speciality and Super Speciality Clinic, Peymaniyeh Speciality and Super Speciality Clinic, Khatam al-Anbiya Hospital of Khafr, 11 urban and 12 rural health centres, and finally 2 inner city and 6 intercity units meant for medical emergency training and services

 jahrom university 

Students of JUMS in the Conference Hall of the University

The graduates who successfully complete the curriculum will be awarded with an MD Degree in Medicine.


In the sphere of domestic accreditation, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences has been accredited by the government of Iran. The act of accreditation is periodical and falls within the authority of three offices of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The Office of Education Development Council (EDC) is the body that scrutinizes the quality of education at different universities of medical sciences. The evaluation of medical practices and general conditions of hospitals, clinics, and other health centres affiliated to the universities of medical sciences is the duty of the Office of Deputy Minister for Treatment. And finally, the Office of Deputy Minister for Development is the third authority responsible for monitoring the structural and hardware expansion of all medical universities. Jahrom University of Medical Sciences at present has been ranked as a type 2 university in the country.

Internationally, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences has been recognized by many international accreditation bodies such as ECFMGARMBC and the Medical Board of California. This permits our graduates to follow their education at higher levels in their desired destinations across the globe.

For the most part, the above information was quoted from Educational Guidance for Doctoral Programme in General Medicine compiled by Dr. Shahram Shafa published in 2007.