
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025


Masih ollah shakeri

Internal Medicine Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences,


E-mail : masihshakeri@yahoo.com


I. Personal Data:

Born in 1357 Jahrom, Fars, Iran

Father’s name:Safar



1-M.D Jahrom and Shiraz University Medical Sciences, Jahrom and Shiraz, Fars, Iran

2- Specialty in Internal Medicine in Jondishapoor University of medical sciences, Ahvaz, Iran



1-Educational round for medical students, student profile

2 - Educational round for medical students, externship students

3 - Educational round for medical students, Internship period

4 - Internal educational clinic for medical students

5-Holding educational Journal Club

6-Teaching Nephrology block for Physiopathology period

7-Teaching breathing block for Physiopathology medical students

8-Teaching blood blocks in Physiopathology

9-Teaching glands blocks in Physiopathology



 1-Member of primitive Disciplinary of Jahrom medical system, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

2-member of medical Commission of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

3-Members of Medical Commission of Jahrom Education, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

4-Member of medical Commission of Jahrom Social security, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

5-Member of arbitration committee of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

6-Scientific supervisor of Motahari Hospital ER, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

7-Original member of crisis committee and disasters of Motahari hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

8- Original member of triage of Motahari hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

9-Member of mortality committee of Peymaniyeh hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

10 - Member of Quality Management committee of Peymaniyeh hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

11- Member of medication committee of Peymaniyeh hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

12 Member of Nutrition and Therapeutic diets

Committee of Peymaniyeh hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

13-Member of medical and nursing staff and employees committee of Peymaniyeh hospital, Jahrom, Fars, Iran


V-Supervisor of the thesis

1-The general practitioners' awareness of H. pylori infection and how to treat it

1.    2- The effect of different regimen of  potassium concentrations  on cardiac arrhythmia during dialysis


VI- Technical Papers

1-The effect of different regimen of potassium concentrations on cardiac arrhythmia during dialysis

2-Case report of head and neck elective mycosis


VII-Papers in Conference Proceedings

1-Holding internal emergencies for Nurses

2-Holding diabetes Seminar and its treatment method for general practitioners

3-Contrast nephropathy journal club for professors and students of internal medicine department

4-Journal Club in topic of asthma for professors and students of internal medicine department

5-Grand Round with topic of pulmonary embolism for professors and students of internal medicine department

6-journal club with topic of Fat emboli for professors and students of internal medicine department

7-Journal club with topic of Multiple Myeloma for professors and students of internal medicine department