
jahrom university of medical science

چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025
چهارشنبه Mar 12 2025


Vahid Mogharab

Pediatric Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Fars, Iran

E-mail: mogharabvahid@yahoo.com


I. Personal Data:

Born in 1346   Jahrom, Fars, Iran

Father's Name: Keramatollah



1. 1364-1371   M.D, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran

2. 1374-1377 Specialty in Pediatric, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, Iran



1. Chief of pediatric Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences,

2.Teaching pediatric course to medical students



1. Chairman of Motahari Hospital (8month) 1380

2. The Executive Board of the new system of hospital

3. Member of hospital Evaluating Committee

4. Member of Infection Control Committee of the    hospital

5. Member of The Committee medical staff - nurses

6. Member of medication and Medical Equipment   committee

7. Member of Quality management committee

8. Member of special Committee overseeing the development of health programs at the university

9. Member of breast feeding Committee 

10. Member of infant mortality Committee

11. Member of children mortality Committee

12. The Committee promotes natural childbirth

13. Director of breast-university education center at the university 

14. Member of maternal mortality Committee

15. Focal point thalassemia

16. Focal point hypothyroidism

17. Focal point polio eradication

18.  Member of Medical School Council

19. Member of committee of specialized clinical Patents

20. Member of non- communicable disease research council

21. Member of committee of non-efficient  outcomes of vaccination

22. Member of c neonatal resuscitation committee

23. Member of prenatal Hospital committee


V. Technical Papers:

 1. Internal evaluation of pediatric group and its impact on quality of education, Jahrom University Journal, 1387


VI. Papers in Conference Proceedings:     

1. Clinical evaluation of educational quality from the perspective of external assessment, the Thirteenth National Congress on Medical Education -Sari 1391

2. Clinical skills assessment by OSCE, comprehensive exam and the final exam of medical students, Kish International Congress, 1387

3. The evaluation of educational quality of pediatric group, singapore8-11 February 2007

4. Evaluation of the medical student's skills by objective structured exam and comparison with-their score in comprehensive exam and their score in the end of major clinical courses, Singapore, 19-22 February 2009


Research project

1. The evaluation of educational quality of major wards   from the prospective of external assessments, 1390

2. Serum ferritin in thalassemia patients-treated with oral or injectable challators   1390-1391

3. Prevalence and risk factors of diabetes in Cooley’s patients in 1391

4. The prevalence of obesity among first-year guidance school in 1386-1387

5. Prevalence of underweight problems   among first-year guidance school in 1386-1387

6. Evaluating level of antibodies against measles and rubella (IgG) in women 15-25 years old in 1389

7. Assessment of rubella (IgG) titer in female teenagers before and after vaccination

8. Assessment of serum ferritin level and   cardiac complications in patients with major thalassemia, Cooley's ward, Motahari hospital, 1384

9. Assessment of hypothyroid in patients with major thalassemia, Jahrom, 1384

10. The difference between height and weight and head circumference of breastfed and formula fed infants aged under 6 months, 1382

11. Assessment of Measles IgG titers among adolescent girls in city and surrounding villages before and after vaccination, 1383

12. The prevalence of congenital malformations in 1385

13. Assessment of clinical skills of medical students (trainees and interns) by OSCE in the pediatric and internal medicine wards and its relationship with the exam taken at the end of ward 1386

14. Determination of serum ferritin levels with the incidence of IDDM in children in Cooley’s ward, 1386

15. Relationship between serum ferritin level and hypocalcemia in patients in Cooley’s ward

16. Prevalence of hepatitis D and c in patients in Cooley ward

17. Assessment of The infant growth indices in infants below 1 years old in Ashkanan city

18. Prevalence of tumor lysis syndrome in childhood ALL and NHL

19. Assessment of serum antibodies against measles in women 25-15 years in 1390

20.  Assessment of serum antibodies against rubella in women 25-15 years in 1390

21. Effect of single dose of gentamicin in children 1 month to 12 years with urinary tract infections, Jahrom 1394


VII. Supervisor of the Theses:

1. Prevalence of Streptococcal throat infection and resistance to penicillin in children aged 5 to 15 university 1381-1382

2. Prevalence of Giardia infections and injuries in primary school children, 1383

3. The relationship between serum Ig levels in thalassemia major patients with cardiac complications in Cooley’s ward

4. The prevalence of hypothyroidism and hyperparathyroidism in patients with thalassemia and -)

5. Prevalence of diabetes (IDDM) in patients in Cooley’s ward, 1383

6. Comparison of serum ferritin level in patients treated with oral or injectable challators in 1390-1391

7.  Frequency and prevalence of diabetes and factors affecting it in patients in Cooley’s ward 1391


VIII. Examiner of the theses:

1.    Comparison of  Apgar score of  infants born by elective cesarean section and normal delivery ,1387

2.    Prevalence of LBW in infants born in hospitals in Peymaniyeh and Motahari hospitals during 1382 to 1389

3. The prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in children 6 to 15 years in 1384-1385

4. Assessment of immunity to Haemophilus influenza in children under 5, 1389

5. Evaluation birth weight at Motahari hospital in July, August and September, 83

6. Determination of the frequency of clinical presentation and outcomes of acute nephritis in children 1370, 1381

7. Epidemiology of gastroenteritis in children under 5 years old in Jahrom

8. Clinical course of patients with calaazar admitted to hospital during 1370-1382

9. The relationship between the incidence and severity of preeclampsia, 1386

10. The prevalence of G6PD deficiency in blood bags transfused to fauvism patients referred to Motahari and Dastqeyb hospital in April and May 1386

11. Prevalence HTLV, II, I, in thalassemia patients - blood donors and patients undergoing hemodialysis in 1389, 1392

12. Association of gene polymorphisms RS2713604 GATA with premature coronary artery disease in Iranian patients in 1392

13. Comparison of pentraxin 3 level in patients with unstable and stable angina, 1394

14. Association of the second to fourth finger ratio with the length of the penis in babies born in Motahari hospitals in 1394

15. Association of pain coping behaviors with the frequency of delivery (natural-CS) Motahari hospital in 1394

16. Renal function in patients with beta thalassemia in 1393

17. Evaluation of copper and zinc serum level in infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit who were hospitalized for at least 1 week


IX. Examiner of the research projects:

1. Assessment of serum trace elements in children infected with Giardia, 1384

2. The serological survey of hepatitis C in hemodialysis patients in 1383

3. Association of AFP level and LBW in 1383

4. Association of quantity of G6PD level with neonatal sepsis, 1392

5. Association of G6PD level and preeclampsia

6. Assessment of medication delivery   toys

7. Prevalence of meconium aspiration syndrome and related factors in pregnant women in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 1392

8. Maternal alpha-fetoprotein serum and its relation with low birth weight in 1392

9. Comparison of pentaxrine 3 serum level in patients with myocardial infarction with ST-segment Ascending (ST Elevation MI) and non-Ascending Non ST EMI, 1392

10. Designing Persian atlas of abnormal ECG software- can be used on computers and mobile phones in 1394

11. Evaluation of the need for surgery, myomectomy in women with myoma (fibroids) after (decapeptyl) injection, 1393

12. Prevalence of blunt and penetrating chest trauma, thoracic and its impact on mortality of patients admitted to hospital recent ten years, 1393

13. Assessment of efficacy of HBV vaccination in infants in 1393